Saturday, November 12, 2011

Add Windows 7 to Mageia Linux boot loader

I found a simple way in the net that can easily add windows 7 to Mageia boot loader.
I have two harddisk. One with Mageia and the pther with Windows 7.
I just ad the the following to /boot/grub/menu.lst

title windows 7
root (hd1,0)
chainloader +1

After reboot I can select Windows 7 from the boot menu.

P/S From my new installed Mageia 2. I found that the brub boot setting for windows 7 is as follow:

title windows
root (hd1,0)
map (0x81) (0x80)
map (0x80) (0x81)
chainloader +1

Friday, October 7, 2011

Setup axel downloader in Flashgot

If you install axel downloader in your Linux machine, you only use it with command line. If you set it up in Flashgot, when you use firefox to download youcan right click and select download with Flashgot and have it download with axel downloader.

The setting is just like the diagram below:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Create pdf with ImageMagick

Change to the directory which containthe .jpg image files. Then, issue the the command:
convert -define pdf:use-trimbox=true *.jpg book.pdf
That's it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Surprise! Megeia 1 can read and write to DVDRAM Disk

All the while I am using Mandriva Linux, but I can't use DVDRAM Disk in this way that a udf formatted DVDRAM Disk use like hard disk. I got to use packet writing to accomplished the job. Now I use it like removable usb drive. Thank you Mageia.

安装 Mageia 1 后遇到的一些问题

1. 安装完毕后重启,发现CPU使用高达100%,居高不下。我用top指令检查发现,祸首是xorg。我赶紧到控制中心,添加下载源,安装AMD显示卡的驱动,从新开机,才解决这个问题。

2. 默认输入法是ibus。但是不能调出输入条。我想大概是没有预设开启。解决方法也找到了,链接到以下的blog: 输入关键字 ibus。

3. Firefox 4 的 flash plugin 到 Adobe官网下载 .rpm 回来安装就可以了。

4. java plugin 直接用urpmi指令安装。

以 root登入终端,输入 "urpmi icedtea"指令,安装后就可以使用了。

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Megeia1 and Firefox 4 plugins

I downloaded and installed Mageia1 and find out that Firefox 4 can't open java and flash site. The solution for flash is easy.Just download .rpm flash from Adobe web site and install it. For the java plugin, I waste three days to find out the solution to this. Just install from the repository by using "rpmi icedtea-web" and that's it. Hope this can help.