Sunday, July 12, 2020

Manjaro Bluetooth Speaker no sound

Since momday my archlabs linux crashed and cannot be reinstalled then I choose to install Manjaro Linux. After installed everythings go es fine but bluetooth speaker no sound. Googling for more than 5 days but still no help. Today 05/07/2020 I found an article :
How to send sound through Bluetooth on Linux

Just one command and two action then the problem solved.

In terminal type: killall pulseaudio
turn off bluetooth  
turn on bluetooth again
that's it.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Archlabs install error

I try to install archlabs many times, But cannot Complete the installation.After googling for archlabs forum. I found the solution.
update the installer.
pacman -Syy archlabs-instsller
type: installer
that's it.